Photos and drawings of Coventry CT buildings. Some are still standing others are not. Click on the images for a larger view.
910 South Street, The William Curtiss House built ca1830
905 South Street, The Bildad Curtiss House, built ca1780
925 Main Street, The Kenyon House built ca 1855
Thomas Clark House, built ca1846, torn down for the Library
The Wellwood store on Main Street. House built ca1820, store ca1840
Fiske Blacksmith shop, Stage Road ca 1910
Dr. Irving Mason’s (of Willimantic) hospital for a short time, built ca 1885
One of two tenements for the Washington Mill, 1069/79 Main Street, built ca1800
The Beville chocolate stand across from Lisicke Beach ca1920
1146 Main Street, built ca1875
The Castle at Wrights Mill falls
Coventry Volunteer Fire house 1936
The Tracy Shoddy Mill on Main St. Street ca 1915
The Armstrong Wagon Factory on Armstrong Road ca 1910
1189 Main Street built ca1880
Margret Jacobson House
Strong-Porter House
The Charles Coombs House, School Street in the rear, torn down 1960’s
Manning House, Manning Hill (Main Street), built ca1780, destroyed by fire 1966